Somewhere on St. Croix, a victim is calling for help. You make it possible to answer that call.
"Unless someone offers a friendly smile, a helping hand, a caring word, a listening ear, somebody, somewhere loses the courage to live."–Unknown
Our mission is to support and empower people impacted by violence. That's pretty much all of us, in some way. Won't you join us to ensure that advocacy, programs and services that help with healing and rebuilding safer, independent lives are available?
Imagine surviving an abusive relationship, to escape with nothing but the clothes on your back. If someone you care about experiences sexual violence, help is available. You make it possible for WCSC to provide victims and survivors with free and confidential crisis intervention, emergency housing, support groups and so much more.
I am alive today because of the Women's Coalition of St. Croix! They have helped me through an exceptionally bad time in my life, providing the support that I needed to break free of a deadly relationship. Real love means healthy, kind relationships!
–G., Survivor of Domestic Violence
Survivors of domestic violence can participate in support groups facilitated by WCSC counselors once a week. Call our main office at (340)773-9272 for more information.
I suffered emotional, physical, sexual and financial abuse during my marriage. He put on an act in front of people. No one knew the abuse my children and I were suffering behind closed doors. I was isolated from the outside world and was afraid to ask for help.
Coming to group gave me a safe haven to vent my hurt, anger, concerns and goals. Group has helped me do that self-work needed to rebuild my self-esteem. The support group provides a nurturing environment that teaches you to trust your instincts.
Because of WCSC, I have an opportunity to break the cycle of abuse and move on with my life. I want to encourage others who are being abused, to speak up. Don't be ashamed. Don't worry about what people will say and what they will think. You are important! Speak up and save yourself and you might also save someone else. There is help. All you have to do is ask for it.
–L., Survivor
The Domestic Violence Support Group isn't about being a victim, it's about a group of women embracing each other through difficulty and pain, and rising above it to a place of healing and self-discovery. Through this group I have found the strength to heal and overcome the darkness of my past. I've learned self-love and have gained a sisterhood of women that have added value to my life. WCSC and the Domestic Violence Support Group is a safe haven for women from all walks of life to come and start the healing process from wounds both visible and unseen. With the aid and support of the counselors and support groups of WCSC, I am now a strong, healthier person who realizes her beauty both inside and out!-–Survivor
We are here to offer help when tragedy strikes in the workplace. Our crisis counselors provide support and assistance to employees at our crisis center or on-site, when necessary.
On behalf of the staff and judges of the Superior Court, I express heartfelt gratitude to the Women's Coalition for counseling services provided to our employees during the bereavement of our beloved deputy marshal. Your presence, kind words, and listening ear offered comfort to ease [the] burden of our loss. Once again I extend my deepest appreciation for your overwhelming support during our time of sorrow, as well as throughout the years.
–Judge Darryl D. Donohue, Sr., Superior Court of the Virgin Islands, St. Croix