WCSC 40th Annual Women Race
June 2, 2024 @ 4:45PM — 7:55PM Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Frederiksted: 2145 Fisher Street Waterfront Christiansted, Vi 00820 Get Directions

40 Years Running for 4Her. Running for Justice, Peace and Solidarity!!!
Every step you take is a statement of your commitment to building an island free from violence and injustice. Lace-up your sneakers and join us as we run, walk, jog, carry a baby, push a stroller, and walk with a walker for peace in the heart of Frederiksted. Men and Boys can join this year's race too. Come out and Run 4Her!!! The race begins at Buddhoe Park up to Mahogany Road and then back through town on King Street, turning at Queen Cross Street and onto Strand Street, ending at the Pier.
The Women’s Coalition of St. Croix, is embarking on our 40th Annual Women Race, to be held on Sunday, June 2, 2024, in Frederiksted, with the virtual race being held from May 31- June 1, 2024.Its our 40th Anniversary and Men and Boys can run too!!
Our annual peace race will be taking place virtually and live in Frederiksted, once again! Everyone can show support for people impacted by violence and families in need, with our Women Race participants. Pre-registration is $25.00, for adults, with t-shirt included; children pre-register for free, no t-shirt included. Registration on Race Day - June 2nd, is $30.00, and in-person only.
Proceeds from the Women Race benefit advocacy, programs and services for people impacted by violence and families in need. On Sunday, June 2nd, the live race will take place in Frederiksted. Pre-registration is $25, for adults, with t-shirt included; children pre-register for free, no t-shirt included. Registration on Race Day - June 2nd, is $30.00, and in-person only. Participants in the live race will be contacted to pick up t-shirt and Race information after they pre-register. Live warm-up will be led by Zumba Queen, Roxanne Serrano, around 4:45 p.m.
Virtual participants can complete their two miles--indoors or outdoors--on Friday, May 31st or Saturday, June 1st. Your time must be posted by Saturday, June 1st at 11:59 p.m. Atlantic Standard Time. Once you have registered, you will receive an email with your printable bib image and your posting instructions.
Visit our Women Race page for more information, as we get closer to the 40th Annual Women Race. The live race begins around 5:00 p.m. See you there!
As you know, the Women’s Coalition of the St. Croix has dedicated over 43 years of service to the St. Croix community, carrying out the mission to end all forms of family violence.
This race and fundraiser signify 40 years of running for peace and justice in our community.